Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor

Summary of
Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor
Septal DNET generally presents with symptoms related to obstructive hydrocephalus.[69,70] Septal DNET has an indolent clinical behavior, with most tumors not requiring treatment other than surgery. In a single-institution series that incorporated other literature-reported cases, the median age at presentation was in the adolescent age range.[71]
Mutations that are common in low-grade gliomas (e.g., BRAF V600E) and in cortical DNETs (FGFR1 mutations) are uncommon in septal DNET.[70-72] Instead, mutations in PDGFRA at the K385 residue typify most cases of septal DNET.
Available CBTN Biospecimens
participants with flash-frozen tissue available
participants with match blood
participants with match parental specimens
participants with cerebral spinal fluid
Available CBTN Pre-clinical Models
genomically characterized cell lines with data available
genomically characterized pdx with data available
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