
Summary of
Ganglioglioma presents during childhood and into adulthood. It most commonly arises in the cerebral cortex and is associated with seizures, but also presents in other sites, including the spinal cord.[65,74]
The unifying theme for the molecular pathogenesis of ganglioglioma is genomic alterations leading to MAPK pathway activation.[42,75] BRAF alterations are observed in approximately 50% of ganglioglioma cases, with V600E being by far the most common alteration; however, other BRAF mutations and gene fusions are also observed. Other less commonly altered genes in ganglioglioma include KRAS, FGFR1/2, RAF1, NTRK2, and NF1.[42,75]
Available CBTN Biospecimens
participants with flash-frozen tissue available
participants with match blood
participants with match parental specimens
participants with cerebral spinal fluid
Available CBTN Pre-clinical Models
genomically characterized cell lines with data available
genomically characterized pdx with data available
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You can request raw data by completing this form. The review normally takes 1 week. Once approved you can access the raw data by creating cohorts of interest on the Kids First Data Resource Portal and performing analysis on the cloud in Cavatica