
Summary of
A benign, slow-growing tumor in the cerebellum (part of the brain at the back of the head), made up of abnormal blood vessel growth. People with von Hippel-Landau disease have an increased risk of developing hemangioblastomas.
Source NCI
Available CBTN Biospecimens
participants with flash-frozen tissue available
participants with match blood
participants with match parental specimens
participants with cerebral spinal fluid
Available CBTN Pre-clinical Models
genomically characterized cell lines with data available
genomically characterized pdx with data available
How do I get access to the specimens?
To request any of the biospecimens, or pre-clinical model please fill out this form.
Request take approx. 3 months and will require review by the scientific committee and MTA.
Need help? Contact us at research@cbtn.org
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How do I get access to the data?
To access the data please follow these instructions. Need help? Contact us at research@cbtn.org
You can access processed data today here by simply logging in to PedcBioPortal
You can request raw data by completing this form. The review normally takes 1 week. Once approved you can access the raw data by creating cohorts of interest on the Kids First Data Resource Portal and performing analysis on the cloud in Cavatica