Scalable Biobanking: A Modular Electronic Honest Broker and Biorepository for Integrated Clinical, Specimen and Genomic Research
Biorepository research has introduced significant challenges to biomedical informatics systems design and implementation. We take a best-of-breed system integrative approach to finding solutions to administer a biobank operationally, use a biobank scientifically and integrate clinical, specimen and genomic data. We introduce an electronic Honest Broker (eHB) and Biorepository Portal (BRP) open source project that, in tandem, allow for integration of data on the input and output while protecting subject privacy, a primary issue in research and healthcare informatics. Research data management systems like REDCap and our proprietary laboratory information management system (LIMS) are used as best-of-breed client systems and integrated with downstream genomic analyses. Taking this honest brokered system-client based, modular approach to biorepository research, we allow for data and specimens to be associated with a biorepository subject at any time point asynchronously, lowering the bar to develop new research projects based on scientific merit and having a future proofed specimen set for collaborative advanced genomic and tissue research yet to be established.