Catherine Sullivan

Research Technician
Center for Data Driven Discovery in Biomedicine
I started working at D3b in November of 2018 and am the Research Technician for CBTN. I am responsible for all specimens collected for CBTN at CHOP and for managing all incoming shipments from external CBTN sites. For all specimens collected, I accession the samples into our BioRepository Core for long-term storage and enter all specimen information into our LIMS database and BioRepository Portal. I also am responsible for overseeing and coordinating all aspects of specimen collection, specimen data, and shipping. This includes stocking all sites with necessary supplies, training all staff at CHOP and external sites in specimen collection and shipping, and working with the Clinical Ops team for quality control projects. Additionally, I work on the Sample Requests for CTBN as external investigators request samples for their own research.
Through CBTN, I also work on Gift From a Child and NF2 Bisolutions. For GFAC, I assist CHOP Neuropathology with autopsies, supply external COE’s with autopsy collection materials, and train all GFAC staff in autopsy collection procedures. For NF2 Biosolutions, I coordinate all aspects of specimen collection, shipping, and biobanking.
At D3b, I also cover the Research Technician responsibilities for the Craniofacial Pathologies Study, the Pario Group, and Cerebrovascular Malformations. As part of the Biospecimen Research Unit, I assist with the specimen management aspects of the Canine Project, PNOC studies, and other new collaborations.
Prior to starting my career at CHOP, I graduated from Tulane University in 2015 with a BS in Neuroscience and Pre-Medical Studies. I previously have worked at A. I. DuPont Nemours Children’s Hospital in a research lab and volunteered as an Emergency Medical Technician. I am excited to be working on the CBTN project and furthering research for pediatric brain tumors!

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia