Christopher Padilla

Research Technician & Clinical Research Coordinator
Weill Cornell Medicine Pediatric Brain & Spine Center
Christopher Padilla is a research technician and clinical research coordinator in the Children’s Brain Tumor Project (CBTP) laboratory at Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) under the direction of Dr. Greenfield. Before this role, Christopher attended the University of Notre Dame receiving his BS in both Neuroscience and Philosophy. Since joining the CBTP lab in 2022, he has been responsible for patient consenting, tissue banking, and in-vitro and in-vivo tumor model generation for the precision medicine studies done in the lab. Christopher also manages the sharing of patient data and tissue at WCM with the Children’s Brain Tumor Network (CBTN) and assists in the coordination of post-mortem tumor donations as a Tissue Navigator for Gift from a Child (GFAC).

Weill Cornell Medicine