Embryonal Tumor with Multilayered Rosettes


Embryonal Tumor with Multilayered Rosettes.png

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Summary of

Embryonal Tumor with Multilayered Rosettes

Nonmedulloblastoma embryonal tumors are fast-growing tumors that usually form in brain cells in the cerebrum, and most commonly occur in young children. The cerebrum is at the top of the head and is the largest part of the brain. The cerebrum controls thinking, learning, problem-solving, emotions, speech, reading, writing, and voluntary movement. Nonmedulloblastoma embryonal tumors may also form in the brain stem or spinal cord. These tumors sometimes spread to the bone, bone marrow, lung, or other parts of the body, but this is rare.

Available CBTN Biospecimens

participants with flash-frozen tissue available9

participants with flash-frozen tissue available

participants with match blood3

participants with match blood

participants with match parental specimens2

participants with match parental specimens

participants with cerebral spinal fluid2

participants with cerebral spinal fluid

Available CBTN Pre-clinical Models

genomically characterized cell lines with data available0

genomically characterized cell lines with data available

genomically characterized pdx with data available0

genomically characterized pdx with data available

How do I get access to the specimens?

To request any of the biospecimens, or pre-clinical model please fill out this form.
Request take approx. 3 months and will require review by the scientific committee and MTA.
Need help? Contact us at research@cbtn.org

Explore the data in these informatics portals

How do I get access to the data?

To access the data please follow these instructions. Need help? Contact us at research@cbtn.org
You can access processed data today here by simply logging in to PedcBioPortal
You can request raw data by completing this form. The review normally takes 1 week. Once approved you can access the raw data by creating cohorts of interest on the Kids First Data Resource Portal and performing analysis on the cloud in Cavatica