Holly Beale

Lead Computational Biologist
UC Santa Cruz Treehouse Childhood Cancer Initiative
Holly is an investigator at UC Santa Cruz Treehouse Childhood Cancer Initiative in Santa Cruz, California.

UC Santa Cruz Treehouse Childhood Cancer Initiative

Treehouse Childhood Cancer Initiative: Identification of Therapeutic Leads for Individual Pediatric Cancer Patients via Can-Cancer Analysis
Researchers are building an open access resource to improve treatments of pediatric cancers. These researchers will incorporate the Pediatric Brain Tumor Atlas, adding invaluable information about pediatric cancers and gene expression.
All Brain Tumor Types

David Haussler

Hudson Monash Paediatric Precision Medicine Program
There is a great need to find new targets for pediatric brain cancer therapeutics, requiring comprehensive analysis of tumor types. Access to the unique dataset available through the Pediatric Brain Tumor Atlas and computational support from CBTN will allow researchers to carry out this research.
All Brain Tumor Types

Ron Firestein