Michigan Medicine C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital

Principal Investigators
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C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital’s pediatric cancer specialists offer special expertise in caring for children with relapsed and resistant cancers. Michigan Medicine is home to the largest pipeline of Phase 1 clinical trials in the state, with both Michigan-led and multi-site clinical trial offerings.
In addition, Michigan Medicine has developed one of the nation’s largest and most sophisticated gene sequencing programs, allowing for customization of treatment plans based on each child’s own genetic cancer profile. Mott also has the largest, most experienced pediatric bone marrow transplant (BMT) program and cellular therapy program in the state of Michigan, from both a clinical and research standpoint.
Since 2018, The Chad Carr Pediatric Brain Tumor Center has become a destination center for children from around the country with high-risk brain tumors looking for a promising treatment. The University of Michigan was added to the Pacific Neuro-Oncology Consortium (PNOC) in 2019 as the only PNOC institution in the state of Michigan. Most recently, U-M became the new sequencing home to two PNOC clinical trials – DMG-ACT (PNOC22) and ONC206 Phase 1 (PNOC23).
Patients enrolled in these trials will be offered sequencing through the MiOncoseq tumor sequencing program. Patients and referring physicians will be provided these CLIA-certified sequencing results. Additionally, sequencing data will be analyzed along with clinical response by U-M Investigators and research collaborators. Sequencing data will be deposited in the PNOC data affiliate Children’s Brain Tumor Network (CBTN) for study by other international sites.
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