Ana Guerreiro Stücklin

Pediatric Oncologist
University Children's Hospital Zürich
Dr. Ana Guerreiro Stücklin is a pediatric oncologist. After her medical studies at the University of Porto, Portugal, she graduated from the MD-PhD Program at the University of Zurich and completed her pediatric residency at the University Children’s Hospital in Zurich. She was a pediatric hematology/oncology and subsequently neuro-oncology fellow at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto until 2018, when she returned to Zurich and joined the Neuro-Oncology Group at the University Children’s Hospital. Her research interests include the study of chemoresistance, metastases and the molecular causes of treatment failure, especially in gliomas and medulloblastomas affecting infants and young children. Additionally, she is interested in the development of new targeted therapies and clinical trials for pediatric brain tumors.

University Children's Hospital Zürich

Medulloblastomas comprises the vast majority of pediatric embryonal tumors and by definition arise in the posterior fossa, where they constitute approximately 40% of all posterior fossa tumors. Other forms of embryonal tumors each make up 2% or less of all childhood brain tumors.The clinical feature

High-Grade Glioma
High-grade Gliomas (HGG) or astrocytomas in children nearly always result in a dismal prognosis. Although novel therapeutic approaches are currently in development, preclinical testing has been limited, due to a lack of pediatric-specific HGG preclinical models. These models are needed to help test