Thomas De Raedt
Philadelphia, PA USA
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Research Scientist ; Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Dr. De Raedt researches pediatric high grade glioma development and aims to understand the involvement of crucial pathways. He investigates pathway interaction, and explores ways to develop therapies through analyzing human tumors, performing cellular studies, and developing accurate mouse models. This allows Dr. De Raedt and his team to perform novel pre-clinical studies that can lead to clinical trials.

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Elucidating the Role of Driver Mutations in Pediatric High Grade Glioma
It is crucial that the mutational drivers of pediatric high grade gliomas (pHGGs) are better understood if new therapies are to be developed. Using samples from the Children’s Brain Tumor Network, researchers seek to identify drivers of pHGG progression.

Thomas De Raedt

Cooperating Mutations in Brain Tumors of Patients with NF1
Understanding the mutations that occur in both neurofibromatosis 1 patients and brain tumors could provide a deeper understanding of how both tumor types form. Using data provided by the Pediatric Brain Tumor Atlas, researchers will identify genes that are mutated in both tumor types.
All Brain Tumor Types

Thomas De Raedt